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2015 Blend I
Kräftiges Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, breitere Randaufhellung. Zart floral unterlegte schwarze Beerenfrucht, Nuancen von kandierten Veilchen, etwas Nougat. Saftig, reife Kirschfrucht, zart nach Lakritze, frisch und anhaftend, verfügt über gute Länge, ein vielseitiger Speisenbegleiter. Blending 80% Zweigelt with 20% Blaufränkisch, the 2015 Blend 1 Trocken shows an elegant, deep and concentrated bouquet of ripe and toasty dark fruits (blueberries and black berries) with caramel and chestnut aromas. Very intense and aromatic on the palate, this is a full-bodied and enormously concentrated big red wine with ripe and lush fruit, fine and elegant tannins and good mineral tension on the finish. Impressive, especially for lovers of bigger and concentrated wines with elegance and freshness. Bottled in September, tasted in December 2018. 90/100 The Wine Advocate / Stephan Reinhardt
0,75 l

30,50 €*

The Wine Advocate
James Suckling
2017 Blend I
Kräftiges Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, breitere Randaufhellung. Zart floral unterlegte schwarze Beerenfrucht, Nuancen von kandierten Veilchen, etwas Nougat. Saftig, reife Kirschfrucht, zart nach Lakritze, frisch und anhaftend, verfügt über gute Länge, ein vielseitiger Speisenbegleiter. Blending 80% Zweigelt with 20% Blaufränkisch, the 2015 Blend 1 Trocken shows an elegant, deep and concentrated bouquet of ripe and toasty dark fruits (blueberries and black berries) with caramel and chestnut aromas. Very intense and aromatic on the palate, this is a full-bodied and enormously concentrated big red wine with ripe and lush fruit, fine and elegant tannins and good mineral tension on the finish. Impressive, especially for lovers of bigger and concentrated wines with elegance and freshness. Bottled in September, tasted in December 2018. 90/100 The Wine Advocate / Stephan Reinhardt
0,75 l

37,00 €*

2017 Blend II
Kräftiges Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, zarte Randaufhellung. Reife Kirschfrucht, ein Hauch von dunklen Beeren unterlegt, florale Nuancen nach Hibiskus. Mittlere Komplexität, rotbeerige Textur, frisch strukturiert, dezente Beerensüße im Nachhall, bereits zugänglich. Tasted as a filtered sample in December 2018, the 2016 Blend 2 Trocken offers an elegant and buttery bouquet of dark and red berries and cherries along with cassis, tobacco and toasty aromas. Intense and sweet on the palate but with elegance and good freshness, this is a fine, well-balanced and charming blend of Cabernet, Merlot and Zweigelt. Good concentration and length. When I tasted it mid-December, it was to be bottled at the end of December or early January. 89/100 The Wine Advocate / Stephan Reinhardt
0,75 l

15,00 €*

James Suckling
2019 Zweigelt
Dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe. In der Nase Aromen von dunklen Beeren und feine florale Noten. Am Gaumen saftig, dezente Kräuterwürze, dunkles Beerenkonfit, Zwetschkenkompott und reife Kirschenfrucht im Nachhall.
0,75 l

12,00 €*