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ab € 99 ab € 150

2023 Grüner Veltliner Alte Reben

Sohm & Kracher , Österreich
Helles Grüngelb. Mit einem Hauch von Lindenblüten, unterlegt mit gelber Apfelfrucht, zart nach Heublumen und Mango. Saftig, elegante Textur, feine Extraktsüße, lebendige Struktur, im Nachhall zart nach Orangen, reife Birnenfrucht und weißer Pfeffer im Abgang

This sophisticated gruner veltliner is floral, herbal and delicately peppery, with a wonderfully elegant palate where the power and concentration are deftly underplayed. Very long, wet-stone finish with just a hint of fresh butter. Drink or hold.
94/100 Stuart Pigott -

The 2023 Grüner Veltliner Alte Reben is from five vineyards, all with 20- to 40-year-old vines in the Pulkau Valley, Weinviertel. Vinified like the Lion in stainless steel and old barrels for six months, the nose is intense and yeasty as well as pure and mineral, opening to ripe white seed fruit aromas. Full-bodied, still tight and for the moment a bit muted due to the recent bottling, this is an elegant, well balanced and discreetly phenolic Veltliner after the overnight maceration. The finish is still a bit dryish at this stage, thus a rather conservative score. The wine has energy and savoriness and a long, tense finish, but it still doesn't sing. 13% stated alcohol. Natural cork.
92/100 Stephan Reinhardt – Wine Advocate

16,00 €*

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Gratislieferung nach Österreich ab € 99.-
Gratislieferung nach Deutschland ab € 150.-
0,75 l
Preis pro Liter
€ 21,33
Grüner Veltliner
Österreich / Niederösterreich